
Covid19 update: At this time all in-person services continue to be suspended due to COVID19 restrictions. All group programs are being delivered ONLINE until further notice. Contact Karen MacKeigan, Program Assistant at to schedule an intake. Emails are the preferred method of contact at this time. The Gatehouse is not a crisis centre. If you are experiencing a crisis contact 911 or your local distress Centre 
For a list of crisis numbers in Ontario click here
For a list of Domestic-Intimate-Partner-Violence-Resources in Ontario click here
Staff Contacts
Maria Barcelos, Executive Director, 416-255-5900 Ext.225 (Please Note: Maria also coordinates the Phase 1 Men’s & Partners Groups). Email: 
Paula Cordeiro, RP (Qualifying), Student Placement Coordinator, and ASIST Suicide Intervention Training, 416-255-5900 Ext. 228 Email: 
Karen MacKeigan, Program Assistant – Intake Meeting Scheduling for Phase 1 Programs-
How to Reach Us
The Gatehouse Child Abuse Investigation and Support Site
3101 Lake Shore Blvd. West, Toronto, ON M8V 3W8
Phone: 416-255-5900
Fax: 416-255-7221
Office Hours:  No in-person services are available at this time. All intakes are being conducted over the phone and online using Zoom meetings. 
For police investigations, the Gatehouse is available 24/7.
After office hours, officers/CAS may pick up a key at the following Toronto Police Divisions:  14, 11, 51, 22 or 23 Division.
Social Media Pages
Instagram: @thegatehousetoronto