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Transforming Trauma Conference 2022

Transforming Trauma 2022 | A Virtual Event

Maria Barcelos, MA, Executive Director

Our 12th Annual Transforming Trauma into Triumph Conference embodied the theme of “The Power of Collaboration.” As part of National Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, we gathered as a community to recognize the tremendous courage, strength, commitment, and resiliency of survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA).

I am grateful to all our staff, volunteers, students, and donors whose wonderful dedication, compassion, and empathy empower survivors to reach out for support, make meaningful long-lasting connections, and transform their lives for the better.

Thank you to Jasmine Lem, Program Assistant, for your tremendous support in co-organizing, social media content creation, and communications for this event again this year.

Thank you to the wonderful speakers including Drucilla Gary, Lauren Frechette, Mehnaz Lamia, Riley Goldstein, William Sparks, Arthur Lockhart, Matthew McVarish, Stewart Thompson, Kelsey Leroux, Patrick Sandford, Carrie George, Alessandro Motta, Erin Gilmour, Bob Carscadden, Lucie Bruneau, Carolyn Smith, Andrea Robin Skinner, Kaitlyn Axelrod, Matthias Katsch, Wibke Müller, Rob Hawkings, Sheri Jackson, Nicola Yoga, Brian Morrison, Jay Rothman, Joe Groh, Avdeep Bahra, and Rosalia Rivera.

Thank you to organizations supporting the event including Voice Found, Sheena’s Place, Renascent, Black Women in Motion, Wick Poetry Centre, Kent State University, Carolyn Smith Coaching, Nicola Yoga, Voice of Men 360, Andrea R. Skinner at Horse Discovery, OCAD University Students, Members of the Survivors’ Council in Germany and German Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, members of The Brave Movement and SAGE.

I am honoured to work alongside wonderful and dedicated staff, volunteers, donors, and courageous survivors. I am profoundly inspired by the meaningful connections made, everyone’s sharing, and especially meaningful collaborations worldwide to raise awareness of the impact and prevalence of CSA and the establishment of a Survivors Council of Canada.

The dream of extending The Gatehouse to many other communities continues. We cannot do this work without financial support. Donate today to support The Gatehouse. You are helping to save and transform lives for the better. I look forward to seeing you next year at our 13th Annual Transforming Trauma Conference in 2023.

Click Here for Full 2022 Summary Report – 12th Annual Transforming Trauma Conference
Thank you to our Event Supporters

This event was funded by the Victims Fund, grants, and contributions program administered by the Department of Justice Canada. Funds are available to provinces, territories, and non-governmental organizations for programs and services that give victims and survivors of crime a more effective voice in the criminal justice system. For more information about the Victims Fund, please visit:

Transforming Trauma Conference Collaborators: Thank you to supporting agencies including Voice Found, Sheena’s Place, Renascent, Black Women in Motion, Wick Poetry Centre, Kent State University, Carolyn Smith Coaching, Nicola Yoga, Voice of Men 360, Andrea at Horse Discovery, OCAD University Students, Members of the Survivors’ Council in Germany and German Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, members of The Brave Movement and SAGE.

For more information on Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, visit

Check out all recorded sessions on our Facebook page at

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The Gatehouse is a community-based charity providing essential support, resources, and community to survivors of childhood sexual abuse. These survivors urgently need our services, and we rely on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and businesses to fund and expand our programs, including peer support groups, art therapy, wellness workshops, conferences, and the investigation support program.

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