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Transforming Trauma Conference: A Wonderful Success!

Thank you to everyone who attended our 10th Annual Transforming Trauma Conference. Here are some of the successes achieved at this year’s event!

  • 239 unique participants (with 139 of these attending more than two sessions during the week!)
  • Most participants attending via computer (226) vs. Phone (13)
  • 14 webinars delivered featuring 26 guest speakers in total- Webinar with highest registration and attendance was coping strategies led by registered psychotherapists and mindfulness/yoga practitioners with 110 attendees online.
  • 13 of the webinars were live streamed to The Gatehouse Facebook and YouTube social pages.
  • Most viewed session was the Survivors Stories Panel with over 574 views on Facebook as of Nov. 30, 2020
  • Attendees from Canada, United States of America, Peru, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Philippines and India
  • 1700 unique visitors to our Website:
  • Social post reach – organic 1,995 during conference week

13 of the 14 webinars were streamed to our YouTube channel at YouTube: or on our Facebook Page

Feel free to share these links on your social media feed! Your sharing helps others find their voice.

Read Full conference Here!

Thank you to our dedicated Staff Team: Stephanie Alves, Maria Barcelos and Paula Cordeiro

Thank you to our dedicated Student Team: Karen, Brandon, Adam and Jasmine!

Special thanks to our social media and marketing communications volunteer: Sherry Slejska

Thank you to our wonderful presenters: Alex Shendelman, Andrea Robin Skinner, Arthur Lockhart, Avdeep Bahra, Brad Hutchinson, Catherine Jun, Catherine Morningstar, Charmaine Loverin, Cynthia Bland, Daniella Zarubica, Deb Maybury, Ian Kelly, John Nikas, Kaitlyn Axelrod, Lacey Ford, Lindsay Lobb, Lucie Bruneau, Maria Barcelos, Nicola Coles, Paula Cordeiro, Sarah Choujounian, Shamsa Iqbal, Sheri Jackson, Stefan Horodeckyj, Stephanie Alves, and Stewart Thompson.

Thank you to our supporting agencies and their representative speakers: Voice Found, RCMP, Sheena’s Place, Distress Centres of Greater Toronto, Full Circle Art Therapy Centre, Canadian Centre for Child Protection.

Thank you to the Department of Justice – Victims and Survivors of Crime Week – Victims Fund!

This event was funded by the Victims Fund, a grants and contributions program administered by the Department of Justice Canada. Funds are available to provinces, territories and non-governmental organizations for programs and services that give victims and survivors of crime a more effective voice in the criminal justice system. For more information about the Victims Fund, please visit: more information on Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, visit:

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The Gatehouse is a community-based charity providing essential support, resources, and community to survivors of childhood sexual abuse. These survivors urgently need our services, and we rely on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and businesses to fund and expand our programs, including peer support groups, art therapy, wellness workshops, conferences, and the investigation support program.

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