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Mindfulness Programs- June, July and August

Good day everyone,

We are excited to offer programs in the Garden this summer! Each program has a separate registration form. 

Program 1: Mindfulness in the Garden 

Dates: All Wednesdays on June 7, 14, 21, 28

All Wednesdays on July 5, 12, 19, 26 

The following Wednesdays August 23, and 30 

Time: 11 am to 12 pm 

Location: The Gatehouse Healing Garden 

Registration required. Fill out this registration form  or call Gatehouse at 416-255-5900 and ask to speak to Stewart or email Maximum 30 participants per session

Materials: Please bring a small towel

Mindfulness in the Garden 

Join us for mindfulness in the garden, learn and practice gentle flowing movements, guided mindfulness practices led by Brad Hutchinson.

Program 2:  Social Reconnection and Self-Care 

Dates: Four Mondays in July 10 to July 31, 2023

Time: 11am to 1pm

Lunch: Pizza Lunch provided

Registration required. Fill out this registration form or call Gatehouse at 416-255-5900 and ask to speak to Stewart or email Maximum 30 participants

Location: Healing Garden – outdoor group

Description: Four-week mindfulness-based group – Meet other community members, foster social connection and share about self-care, communication and community engagement. Group members are invited to share ideas, experiences and barriers they have experienced.

Garden Club Volunteers Needed

Join our Garden Club!

Monthly meetings, gardening and socializing. Help your local community. Join the garden volunteers today! Email Stewart Thompson at for more information.

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The Gatehouse is a community-based charity providing essential support, resources, and community to survivors of childhood sexual abuse. These survivors urgently need our services, and we rely on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and businesses to fund and expand our programs, including peer support groups, art therapy, wellness workshops, conferences, and the investigation support program.

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