Join us for the 3rd Annual Healing the Voice Within in support of The Gatehouse

October 4th, 2018, 7 pm – 10 pm
The Liberty Grand

Tickets: $75.00

Healing the Voice Within is a one of a kind art exhibit to give voice to sexual abuse survivors; promote awareness about the important work of The Gatehouse, and raise much-needed funds for its programs and services.
1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys will be sexually abused.
Children of sexual abuse are in desperate need of our support and services and we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses to fund and expand our creative programs like Full Circle Art Therapy. Victims learn to regain their voices through the powerful medium of artwork, which teaches positive coping techniques to address the anxiety, nightmares, and depression resulting from childhood sexual abuse.
Facing abuse can be a heartbreaking journey and the path to healing and a healthy future begins at The Gatehouse: A safe place for children to disclose abuse to police and child welfare workers and receive support, as well as a resource for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. #metoo #ibreakthesilence #JPSTEAM #stopcsa #itsnotok