If you’ve made it this far, here’s your gift—a second arts therapy activity to explore and enjoy! Let’s dive right in and remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself as you move through this process. There’s no right or wrong outcome—only your unique expression
When a strong emotion comes up, this might be a creative practice for you to process that emotion. You need 2 sheets of paper and your preferred coloring supply. Sit down comfortably and bring awareness to where you are in the present moment. You may want to take a few breaths bringing awareness to your body and noticing where you are feeling activated, and notice the sensations: what quality do they have? Are they at the surface or deep inside? Is it still or moving? Is it young, old, or ancient?
Trust your instincts as you express what you feel in your body, onto the paper. If those sensations could speak, what would they say?
Once you have documented all that you can notice. Take a look at what is on your paper. Is there anything you need to add?
When it feels complete – ask yourself, “Am I willing for this to change in a beneficial/supportive way?” If the answer is no, thank your body for the information and check in again sometime later.
If the answer is yes, you can return to a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes or have a soft gaze. Start to tune into your body with your willingness for things to change and observe, like a movie, the changes you notice. Look for changes in temperature, sensation, and movement and start to express visually, using your coloring material, what you notice.
Follow the same prompts as above in how you pay attention to what is happening internally. You may notice you use different colors, shapes, and textures.
When the 2nd drawing feels complete, take a few moments to reflect on it: Look at it from different angles; compare it to your first piece of paper and see what looks and feels different. Notice how differently you may feel in your body.
If you wish, you can discard the first piece of paper and post the 2nd piece of paper where you will see it often. You can repeat this process as many times as needed and track the changes you feel with each version in a journal. Your body will continue to make changes as you go about your day, and as you sleep. Your willingness is the key to unlocking this process.
If this was your first foray into expressive art therapy, I hope the experience was illuminating and even joyful, and that you feel inspired to return to the practice again. If you’d like additional support in your art therapy journey, you’re always welcome to register for Individual or Group Art Therapy with us at The Gatehouse.