Good day everyone, The Gatehouse has started major renovations to accessibility ramps and foundation repairs as of April 8th, 2019. All programs are running as planned until further notice. The accessibility ramp has been removed until further notice. If you have any questions, please contact Maria Barcelos, Executive Director at or 416-255-5900 x225 ...
January 17, 2019 It is with great sadness that this post is released. The Gatehouse former Chair of the Board, Bruce McKay passed away January 17, 2019. Our sincerest condolences go out to his family, friends, and colleagues. Bruce was a dear friend, and advocate. We are all grateful and honoured to have known Bruce in this lifetime. Bruce was a light in the lives of many; bringing support, kindness, happiness, and comfort to many...
Transforming Trauma – From Isolation to Connection Child sexual abuse is far more prevalent than most people realize and has devastating life-long impacts on the lives of survivors, and their families. The above video is a visual narrative of the transformative change following sexual trauma. Healing is not a linear process. If you are a survivor, You are not alone. It was not your fault. Feel free to share, and retweet this video. Thank you...
1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. This is Spencer’s Story The Gatehouse is a safe place where survivors can share their story, find support and community. Through peer support, survivors experience safety for self and others in a group process for storytelling to occur and learn effective coping and grounding techniques to address stress, anxiety, nightmares, depression and isolation that occur because of childhood...
Happy 20th #Anniversary to The Gatehouse. On Saturday, June 23, we hosted a BBQ to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of The Gatehouse! 55 people joined in on the festivities, enjoying some wonderful BBQ and cake! Powerful stories of how community collaboration, support, and effort brought to light the vision of Arthur Lockhart, Gatehouse founder. Members of the community shared their voice on how The Gatehouse impacted them and volunteers from...